
Our town is working with the guidance of a few larger programs. They provide a roadmap so we can plan an informed route to sustainability. Community input is key. If there is something you would love to help happen in this work, please contact us here.


Climate Smart Communities

This NYS program is the backbone of the task force. Participating communities take a pledge of 12 elements. Each diverse element is a category of actions, 153 in total, which communities can choose to undertake. The actions have points for a wide diversity of projects. There is a lot to choose from and most of this is about town function not regulating individuals. Our current goal is reach Bronze Status at 120 points which will open new opportunities for grants and programs to help our town grow wisely.


Clean Energy Communities

This is a NYSERDA program that combines grouped and standalone actions all having to do with reducing energy consumption. Germantown reached this designation in October of 2021. Some actions which led to this achievement were installing LED streetlights, adopting the state’s Unified Solar Permit, and tracking our government buildings' energy use through Benchmarking.  


Columbia County Environmental Management Council

Watching out for Columbia County since 1974, this group includes representatives from most towns in our County. They have untaken important work protecting groundwater and cataloging our Natural Resources. They have a subcommittee pursuing Climate Smart Bronze Status at the county level.

